
Compiled by Joshua BishopRoby

The eight lists following the given names are intended to be used together. The lists contain common parts of names used in England for place names, surnames, noble domains, and occasionally first names. Names are created by taking two or three (or sometimes four) parts and putting them together. The name-parts are labeled with hyphens at their ends if they usually begin names, at their beginnings if they usually end names, and at their beginnings and ends if they can be used for either or used in the middle of a name. When creating a name, you can add an “s” or “in” between any of your selected parts. The meaning of each name-part is listed in parentheses.

Male Names

  1. John
  2. Thomas
  3. William
  4. Richard
  5. Robert
  6. Edward
  7. George
  8. Henry
  9. James
  10. Francis
  11. Nicholas
  12. Matthew
  13. Christopher
  14. Anthony
  15. Samuel
  16. Michael
  17. Edmund
  18. Ralph
  19. Peter
  20. Andrew

Female Names

  1. Elizabeth
  2. Mary
  3. Anne
  4. Margaret
  5. Alice
  6. Jane
  7. Joan
  8. Agnes
  9. Catherine
  10. Isabel
  11. Susanna
  12. Dorothy
  13. Elinor
  14. Ellen
  15. Sarah
  16. Frances
  17. Grace
  18. Bridget
  19. Margery
  20. Martha

Adjective List

  1. sher- (bright, clear)
  2. cald- (cold)
  3. col- (dark, coal)
  4. blake- (extreme)
  5. til- (fertile)
  6. grant- (great, big)
  7. lang- (long)
  8. blan- (moderate)
  9. -by- (nearby)
  10. nor(th)- (north)
  11. rad- red- rid- rud- (red)
  12. -rock- (rox-) (rocky)
  13. south- (su(t)-) (south)
  14. -stan- (stone)
  15. somer- (summer)
  16. -cam- (twisted)
  17. wes(t)- (western)
  18. whit- (white)
  19. -brad- (wide)
  20. g(u)il- (yellow)

Cultural List 1

  1. brew- (brewery)
  2. -bridg(e)- (bridge)
  3. -brig- (bridge)
  4. -chester- (camp)
  5. -castle (castle)
  6. -kirk- (church)
  7. church- (church)
  8. -bur(g)- (city)
  9. -cot(t) (cottage)
  10. -croft (cottage)
  11. -court- (court)
  12. cros- (cross)
  13. os- (divine)
  14. -by (farm)
  15. -wick- (farm)
  16. -worth (farm, home)
  17. bran(d)- (fire, burnt)
  18. brin- (fire, burnt)
  19. haw- (hedge)
  20. hay- (hedge)

Cultural List 2

  1. -ham (home)
  2. king- (king’s)
  3. mel- (mill)
  4. mil- (mill)
  5. -ford (place to cross a river)
  6. pres- (priest’s)
  7. -shire (rural domain)
  8. gar- (spear)
  9. strat- (street)
  10. sedg- (sword)
  11. -bury (town)
  12. -ton (town)
  13. stock- (tree stumps)
  14. -bed- (village)
  15. -swain (wagon)
  16. wain- (wagon)
  17. wal- (wall)
  18. war- (weir)
  19. -vell (well)
  20. -well- (well)

Flora List

  1. ash- (ash tree)
  2. bere- (barley)
  3. bark- (birche tree)
  4. birk- (birche tree)
  5. elm- (elm tree)
  6. farn- (ferns)
  7. -berry (flower)
  8. -hurst (grove of tree)
  9. oak- (oak tree)
  10. ry- (rye)
  11. rye- (rye)
  12. -thorn(e)- (thorny)
  13. saf- (willow tree)
  14. sal- (willow tree)
  15. salf- (willow tree)
  16. sel- (willow tree)
  17. wil(l)- (willow tree)
  18. willough- (willow tree)
  19. york- (yew tree)
  20. ive- (yew tree)

Geography List 1

  1. -et (area)
  2. -bain- (bath, water)
  3. -water- (body of water)
  4. -beck- (brook)
  5. -born(e)- (brook)
  6. -burn- (brook)
  7. cov- (cave)
  8. -clay- (clay deposit)
  9. -cliff- (cliff)
  10. dig- (ditch)
  11. -burl- (forest)
  12. -don (hill)
  13. -dun- (hill)
  14. -hil(l)- (hill)
  15. -tle (hill)
  16. how- (hill)
  17. law- (hill)
  18. hol- (hollow)
  19. -ey (island)
  20. -key (island)

Geography List 2

  1. -sey (island)
  2. -lake- (lake)
  3. -more (lake, swamp, marsh)
  4. mar- (lake, swamp, marsh)
  5. -land (land)
  6. -ley- (meadow)
  7. -mont- (mountain)
  8. -brent- (mountaintop)
  9. -lin- (pond)
  10. -ridg(e)- (ridge)
  11. wad- (river crossing)
  12. se(a)- (sea)
  13. -wood (small forest)
  14. ather- (spring)
  15. car- (swamp)
  16. fen- (swamp)
  17. -dal(e)- (valley)
  18. -del- (valley)
  19. -den- (valley)
  20. -ell (valley)

Fauna List

  1. bever- (beaver)
  2. bor- (boar)
  3. ever- (boar)
  4. cran- (cranes)
  5. buck- (deer)
  6. swin- (pig, swine)
  7. har- (rabbit)
  8. ram- (ram)
  9. -bram- (raven)
  10. shep- (sheep)
  11. ship- (sheep)
  12. wether- (sheep)
  13. hart- (stag)
  14. -olf (wolf)
  15. -drake- (dragon)
  16. sted- (horse)
  17. -cok(l)- (chicken)
  18. newt- (newt)
  19. -fisk- (fish)
  20. -hund- (dog)

Personal / Social List

  1. ald- (old)
  2. -bert (noble)
  3. cad- (warrior)
  4. ed- (wealth)
  5. el(d-) (old)
  6. ew- (law)
  7. fitz- (son)
  8. hal- (holy)
  9. -hard- (brave)
  10. -man (man)
  11. -mon (man)
  12. -ond (protector)
  13. -rich (ruler)
  14. -rick (ruler)
  15. -son (son)
  16. -und (protector)
  17. -ward- (protector)
  18. -web (weaver)
  19. -win- (friend)
  20. -wright (builder/maker)