Magicians, Wizards, and Workers of Magic

Compiled by Meguey Baker

These are all taken from the 6 year long Ars Magica home-brew game I played with Emily Care Boss and Vincent Baker. Enjoy.


  1. Apis Malefica
  2. Labecula
  3. Quintus
  4. Lachesis Mutus
  5. Acanthus
  6. Eki of Bjornaer
  7. Severin
  8. Claris Sol
  9. Acerbus Anquero
  10. Lucere
  11. Puliarus
  12. Andredeo
  13. Silenus Vox
  14. Declamare
  15. Circensus
  16. Libra Mentum
  17. Vassili Mercere
  18. Ardesco Tremere
  19. Badger of Bjornaer
  20. Nikolas Abelafia


  1. Murinus Mus
  2. Soraya filia Tytalus
  3. Damvild filia Eki
  4. Pax Triumphia
  5. Oldoyni
  6. Domma Portia
  7. Manuela filia Manuela
  8. Ludmilla
  9. Sorcha Diadnea
  10. Alysium
  11. Respondete Omuns Una
  12. Repugnata
  13. Diligentia
  14. Zarya Flambeau
  15. Alethia
  16. Shade of Silver Spring
  17. Clementia
  18. Joslynn, the Merinita
  19. Lillian Wright
  20. Ernestina the Rabbit

Sigils of Magic

These are the tell-tale signs of a mage’s magic, and will be involved somehow in all magic worked by that wizard. Long term magical works carry this mark, much like an artist’s signature.

  1. Extremely tangled hair
  2. Sickening blue miasma
  3. Scent of honey
  4. Sound of crows calling
  5. Feathers
  6. Flowers
  7. Bleeding
  8. Bits of wood
  9. Throbbing headache
  10. Scent of sulfur
  11. Singing
  12. Flash of light
  13. Smoke
  14. Ice
  15. Pain
  16. Small, temporary physical change
  17. A certain number
  18. Geometric patterns
  19. Glowing
  20. Sound of wind