
Compiled by Jason Morningstar

Noble, Priest and Jaguar Knight

  1. Cuetzpalli / lizard
  2. Cipactli / crocodile
  3. Xochipepe / flower-gatherer
  4. Cuixtli / kite
  5. Yaotl / warrior
  6. Matlalihuitl / purple feather
  7. Acamapichtli / handful of reeds
  8. Itzcoatl / obsidian snake
  9. Chimalpopoca / smoking shield
  10. Nochehuatl / consistent
  11. Coatl / snake
  12. Quauhtli / eagle
  13. Izel / unique
  14. Citlalmina / arrow stars; meteorites
  15. Xiuhcoatl / fire serpent
  16. Cipactli / alligator
  17. Itz / obsidian
  18. Miquiztli / death
  19. Yayauhqui / black smoking mirror
  20. Xipil / noble of the fire

Lady, Priestess, and Sorceress

  1. Cihuaton / little woman
  2. Xochicotzin / little necklace
  3. Coaxoch / serpent flower
  4. Quetzalxochitl / precious flower
  5. Tlanextli / radiance and majesty
  6. Tlexictli / fire navel
  7. Teoxihuitl / precious and divine
  8. Tonalnan / mother of light
  9. Xochiyotl / heart of a gentle flower
  10. Yolihuani / source of life
  11. Yoloxochitl / flower of the heart
  12. Xiloxoch / calliandra flower
  13. Miyaoaxochitl / maize tassel
  14. Eloxochitl / magnolia
  15. Xochiquetzal / most beautiful flower
  16. Azcalxochitzin / ant flower
  17. Quiauhxochitl / rain flower
  18. Tziquetzalpoztectzin / broken plume
  19. Mizquixaual / mesquite face paint
  20. Citlalmina / female hero

Pochteca and Macehualli

  1. Moquihuix / drunkard
  2. Xocoyotl / youngest child
  3. Malinalxochitl / grass flower
  4. Nezahualcoyotl / hungry coyote
  5. Tochtli / rabbit
  6. Matlal / dark green
  7. Mazatl / deer
  8. Tlalli / earth
  9. Necahual / survivor, left-behind
  10. Nezahual / hungry
  11. Tlazohtzin / one who is loved
  12. Ocelotl / ocelot
  13. Nochtli / prickly pear cactus
  14. Ozomatli / monkey
  15. Tecpatl / flint knife
  16. Tepetl / mountain
  17. Itzcuintli / dog
  18. Tlantli / teeth
  19. Ixcatzin / like cotton
  20. Malinalli / grass

Female Commoner

  1. Teyacapan / first born
  2. Xoco / youngest sister
  3. Tlaco / middle-born
  4. Teicuih / younger sister
  5. Cozamalotl / rainbow
  6. Tepin / little one
  7. Zeltzin / delicate
  8. Tlacotl / twig
  9. Mazatl / deer
  10. Acatl / reed
  11. Coszcatl / jewel
  12. Xochitl / flower
  13. Chalchiuitl / emerald
  14. Cuicatl / song
  15. Xocoyotl / youngest child
  16. Tlacoehua / middle one
  17. Eleuia / wish
  18. Nenetl / doll
  19. Noxochicoztli / necklace of flowers
  20. Papan / flag

Generic Names 1

  1. Achcauhtli / leader
  2. Ahuiliztli / joy
  3. Cualli / good
  4. Etalpalli / wing
  5. Eztli / blood
  6. Ichtaca / secret
  7. Icnoyotl / friendship
  8. Ilhuitl / day
  9. Itotia / dance
  10. Iuitl / feather
  11. Amoxtli / book
  12. Atl / water
  13. Chicahua / strong
  14. Chipahua / clean
  15. Citlalli / star
  16. Ixtli / face
  17. Mahuizoh / glorious person
  18. Manauia / defend
  19. Mecatl / glorious lineage
  20. Meztli / moon

Generic Names 2

  1. Momoztli / altar
  2. Moyolehuani / enamored one
  3. Nahuatl / four waters
  4. Nelli / truth
  5. Nochtli / prickly pear fruit
  6. Yolotli / heart
  7. Ohtli / road
  8. Patli / medicine
  9. Tenoch / stone pillar
  10. Tlachinolli / fire
  11. Atl / water
  12. Toltecatl / artist
  13. Xihuitl / comet
  14. Zolin / quail
  15. Yolyamanitzin / considerate person
  16. Centehua / only one
  17. Xiuhtonal / precious light
  18. Yoltzin / small heart
  19. Cozcaquauhtli / vulture
  20. Ehecatl / wind

Food and Drink

  1. Bean and squash stew with chili and tomato
  2. Acocils, small and abundant shrimp of Lake Texcoco
  3. Cakes of spirulina algae
  4. Maguey, agave nectar and liquor
  5. Honey water, honey comb, and other apiary products
  6. Pulque, a fermented beverage with an alcoholic content equivalent to beer
  7. Atole, a thick drink made of flavored ground corn and water
  8. Maguey worm and avacado
  9. Xocolatl, a frothy and bitter chocolate beverage
  10. Hairless dog in highly seasoned stew
  11. Turkey, pheasant, local partridge, marsh bird, and duck, and their eggs
  12. Venison, wild boar, hare and rabbit
  13. Fruit in great abundance - mango, papaya, tamarind, guava
  14. Tlaxcalli cakes kneaded with eggs
  15. Tamales made of maize flowers with ground amaranth seeds and cherries added
  16. Stew with amaranth, beans, squash, tomatoes, pads of nopal cactus and chiles
  17. Mushrooms, wild greens, sweet potato and tubers of all sorts
  18. Ants, grasshoppers, crickets and grubs eaten raw or cooked
  19. Sweet and delicious lake fish, as well as ocean fish
  20. Salamanders, shrimps, frogs, water snakes, and larvae