Compiled by Jason Morningstar
Noble, Priest and Jaguar Knight
- Cuetzpalli / lizard
- Cipactli / crocodile
- Xochipepe / flower-gatherer
- Cuixtli / kite
- Yaotl / warrior
- Matlalihuitl / purple feather
- Acamapichtli / handful of reeds
- Itzcoatl / obsidian snake
- Chimalpopoca / smoking shield
- Nochehuatl / consistent
- Coatl / snake
- Quauhtli / eagle
- Izel / unique
- Citlalmina / arrow stars; meteorites
- Xiuhcoatl / fire serpent
- Cipactli / alligator
- Itz / obsidian
- Miquiztli / death
- Yayauhqui / black smoking mirror
- Xipil / noble of the fire
Lady, Priestess, and Sorceress
- Cihuaton / little woman
- Xochicotzin / little necklace
- Coaxoch / serpent flower
- Quetzalxochitl / precious flower
- Tlanextli / radiance and majesty
- Tlexictli / fire navel
- Teoxihuitl / precious and divine
- Tonalnan / mother of light
- Xochiyotl / heart of a gentle flower
- Yolihuani / source of life
- Yoloxochitl / flower of the heart
- Xiloxoch / calliandra flower
- Miyaoaxochitl / maize tassel
- Eloxochitl / magnolia
- Xochiquetzal / most beautiful flower
- Azcalxochitzin / ant flower
- Quiauhxochitl / rain flower
- Tziquetzalpoztectzin / broken plume
- Mizquixaual / mesquite face paint
- Citlalmina / female hero
Pochteca and Macehualli
- Moquihuix / drunkard
- Xocoyotl / youngest child
- Malinalxochitl / grass flower
- Nezahualcoyotl / hungry coyote
- Tochtli / rabbit
- Matlal / dark green
- Mazatl / deer
- Tlalli / earth
- Necahual / survivor, left-behind
- Nezahual / hungry
- Tlazohtzin / one who is loved
- Ocelotl / ocelot
- Nochtli / prickly pear cactus
- Ozomatli / monkey
- Tecpatl / flint knife
- Tepetl / mountain
- Itzcuintli / dog
- Tlantli / teeth
- Ixcatzin / like cotton
- Malinalli / grass
Female Commoner
- Teyacapan / first born
- Xoco / youngest sister
- Tlaco / middle-born
- Teicuih / younger sister
- Cozamalotl / rainbow
- Tepin / little one
- Zeltzin / delicate
- Tlacotl / twig
- Mazatl / deer
- Acatl / reed
- Coszcatl / jewel
- Xochitl / flower
- Chalchiuitl / emerald
- Cuicatl / song
- Xocoyotl / youngest child
- Tlacoehua / middle one
- Eleuia / wish
- Nenetl / doll
- Noxochicoztli / necklace of flowers
- Papan / flag
Generic Names 1
- Achcauhtli / leader
- Ahuiliztli / joy
- Cualli / good
- Etalpalli / wing
- Eztli / blood
- Ichtaca / secret
- Icnoyotl / friendship
- Ilhuitl / day
- Itotia / dance
- Iuitl / feather
- Amoxtli / book
- Atl / water
- Chicahua / strong
- Chipahua / clean
- Citlalli / star
- Ixtli / face
- Mahuizoh / glorious person
- Manauia / defend
- Mecatl / glorious lineage
- Meztli / moon
Generic Names 2
- Momoztli / altar
- Moyolehuani / enamored one
- Nahuatl / four waters
- Nelli / truth
- Nochtli / prickly pear fruit
- Yolotli / heart
- Ohtli / road
- Patli / medicine
- Tenoch / stone pillar
- Tlachinolli / fire
- Atl / water
- Toltecatl / artist
- Xihuitl / comet
- Zolin / quail
- Yolyamanitzin / considerate person
- Centehua / only one
- Xiuhtonal / precious light
- Yoltzin / small heart
- Cozcaquauhtli / vulture
- Ehecatl / wind
Food and Drink
- Bean and squash stew with chili and tomato
- Acocils, small and abundant shrimp of Lake Texcoco
- Cakes of spirulina algae
- Maguey, agave nectar and liquor
- Honey water, honey comb, and other apiary products
- Pulque, a fermented beverage with an alcoholic content equivalent to beer
- Atole, a thick drink made of flavored ground corn and water
- Maguey worm and avacado
- Xocolatl, a frothy and bitter chocolate beverage
- Hairless dog in highly seasoned stew
- Turkey, pheasant, local partridge, marsh bird, and duck, and their eggs
- Venison, wild boar, hare and rabbit
- Fruit in great abundance - mango, papaya, tamarind, guava
- Tlaxcalli cakes kneaded with eggs
- Tamales made of maize flowers with ground amaranth seeds and cherries added
- Stew with amaranth, beans, squash, tomatoes, pads of nopal cactus and chiles
- Mushrooms, wild greens, sweet potato and tubers of all sorts
- Ants, grasshoppers, crickets and grubs eaten raw or cooked
- Sweet and delicious lake fish, as well as ocean fish
- Salamanders, shrimps, frogs, water snakes, and larvae