
Compiled by Mischa D. Krilov

These are cool names drawn from various Celtic peoples of the U.K., such as Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. Historically accurate Celtic surname pose a problem, since as a preliterate culture, they didn’t take helpful censuses. If you need a surname, simply pull a geographically appropriate one form elsewhere in this book.


  1. Aiden
  2. Teague
  3. Efnisien
  4. Hoel
  5. Maddox
  6. Fingal
  7. Killian
  8. Herne
  9. Weylyn
  10. Taliesin
  11. Kentigern
  12. Gwawl
  13. Fearghus
  14. Calder
  15. Deargh
  16. Scilti
  17. Tegid
  18. Duffy
  19. Edan
  20. Fiacre


  1. Brigit
  2. Nantosuelta
  3. Isolde
  4. Fingula
  5. Guennola
  6. Zinerva
  7. Oilell
  8. Oppida
  9. Rowena
  10. Penarddun
  11. Fedelm
  12. Deirdre
  13. Fenella
  14. Cinnia
  15. Mavie
  16. Arienh
  17. Adsaluta
  18. Epona
  19. Daghda
  20. Gitta