Compiled by Jason Morningstar
These come from 19th century tribal rolls. They were compiled by Indian agents and are of dubious linguistic fidelity. You could use any of these names as a place name by adding “mesa”, “creek”, “ridge”, etc. to the end of it.
Male Names 1
- Bare Bow / NAW-AH-A-MA
- Left Hand Bull / AH-HO-A-MOW
- Man Heart / MI-NO-ONI-A
- Little Bear / NAW-QUIS
- Bear Raising / NUC-QUA-IS-SU
- Man Standing / AH-TAH-NU-ISH
- Night Killer / TAHE-VE-NAH-EH-NA
- One-Eyed Bull / TO-MA-CHA-MA
- Porcupine Bull / ES-CO-TE-SA-IT
- Little Coyote / O-KO-MISH
- Pretty Man / HIN-KEE-TINA
- Racer / KA-AH-YAT
- Black Cloud / MUC-A-TA-WUC
- Wolf-In-The-Middle / HO-SO-SIT
- Yellow Hawk / E-O-YE-YAU
- Black Eagle / NIT-NU-TAH-WA-IST
- Thief / NO-MOTS-SI-U
- White Man / VE-HUE
- Black Wolf / MO-TOW-NA-MA
- Bob-Tail Wolf / HO-NI-WA-HAS
Male Names 2
- Bull-Looking-Around / HO-TO-WA
- Catching-In-Battle / WAH-AT-TUF
- Dog Man / WAH-TAM-A-KET
- Eating Bull / LA-CUM-AN
- Fast Wolf / OT-NE-U-QUI-E-QUISH
- High-Back Wolf / HAW-KO-NE-USE
- Red Hawk / IN-NAH
- Prairie Chief / TOW-LO-A-VA
- Little Man / MI-HI-AT
- Red Leggins / O-MON-IK-TO
- Roman Nose / AH-A-HIS
- Liver Eater / O-AH-A-TUM
- Mad Wolf / HA-KA-NI
- Standing Lightning / HO-ITS-E-YOU
- Crooked Back / WO-CHE-PAH
- Southerner / HAW-NA-TON
- White Buffalo / WAH-IS-TAH
- Dirty Nose / HIS-SI-E-WA-SA
- Elk Standing / MO-NISH
- Good Walker / HA-UM-TO-MUS
Female Names 1
- Crooked Woman / WAH-KE-HI
- Dove / MIS-SO-IH
- Standing Woman / LA-CAT-ME-AH
- Talking Woman / AH-MA-HI
- Woman-On-The-Hill / MAH-A-YAW
- Turtle / MA-IN-NO
- Soaring Woman / MOTS-SE-A
- Weed Woman / NE-E-NOW-E-SAH
- Squirrel Woman / HO-MA-ERA
- White-Buffalo-Woman / WO-IS-TAH
- Virgin Woman / HE-ZOOA-KI-SA
- Walking Woman / UM-MA-HA
- Gray-Headed / WAPINTA-TAN-WIC
- Lead Woman / HO-HI-E
- Antelope Woman / SUE-I-HE-WUC
- Bear Woman / NAK-KUH
- Down Woman / TA-NO-SU
- Elk Woman / MO-A-HA-AH
- Feather Woman / WAH-TAH-NA
- Sand Girl / NAH-BA-IS-SA
Female Names 2
- Wild-Cat-Woman / MUS-KO-VA
- Woman Standing / AH-CHIS-TAH
- Shave-Head / AH-NOSTS-SE-E
- Foreign Woman / O-NE-HATCH
- Good Woman / WA-SHA
- Black Woman / MO-HE-ETS-IM
- Owl Woman / MIS-TO-UN-STA
- Shell Woman / AH-KA-WAH-NA
- Pipe Woman / NO-I
- Red-Belly Woman / MA-A-CIH
- Black-Foot / STEW-IS-TAN-NA
- China Woman / MA-NI-AH
- Mouse Road / OH-CHA-IN
- Old Woman / KAH-IS
- Cougar Woman / NA-KU
- Little Woman / MO-CHA-A
- Medicine Woman / O-WE-HI
- Red-Painting / MI-TO-MO-NI
- Sage Woman / 1-HI-YOU
- Woman Afraid / DA-KA-MA-EE
Either Gender
- Bad Teeth / O-CON-NE-NIC
- Spotted Bird / VA-GIS-A-WAH-US
- Squint Eye / NO-WA-HY
- Howling Water / PA-WA-NIS-TA
- Big Owl / MIS-TI-MI-AH
- Howling In Cloud / WAH-AH-NIS-TO
- Black Hair / MO-KI-TO-SE-A
- Little Traveler / HO-O-MO-SE
- Low Standing / WHA-HA-NISH
- Make-Out-A-Road / HO-AS-TO-NA
- Ptarmigan / HA-AS-TUM
- Red Claws / MOW-MIP-PA
- Red Plume / MU-CHA-NA
- Mourning Howler / MU-IN-MIS-TA
- Outsider / O-HO-MA
- Cut Arm / A-NA-HI-WA
- Red Leaf / MI-VA-PA-TAP
- Walking Behind / TACK-SA
- High-Beak Bird / NO-KE-HE-USE
- Stone Road / HE-HO-NI-MAH