
Compiled by Jason Morningstar

These personal names were randomly generated from Inuit-esque phonemes.

Male Names

  1. Pukivik
  2. Noagunegak
  3. Tooaarvik
  4. Teqkuagguk
  5. Toosivu
  6. Tankuageak
  7. Autiaq
  8. Aupalusuq
  9. Avinaaq
  10. Kuviguk
  11. Tornviyok
  12. Aitelik
  13. Tsetevu
  14. Aknikok
  15. Sausulik
  16. Norluteak
  17. Tulutvu
  18. Atuqulk
  19. Aukuagcheeak
  20. Toomingchuk

Female Names

  1. Alutta
  2. Aklavu
  3. Kupalunek
  4. Sausuak
  5. Uluglulik
  6. Nuqmavik
  7. Piaarguk
  8. Paalavik
  9. Puknabuk
  10. Aiqatchuk
  11. Ulunatoq
  12. Nuvivik
  13. Qaatuqtok
  14. Teqgluyuk
  15. Ullorhorulk
  16. Noauchtok
  17. Aludvik
  18. Millutkap
  19. Kituqanak
  20. Noasaqanak

Sorcerers, Spirits, and Outsiders

  1. Alaraq
  2. Akalaaq
  3. Aukuagmaq
  4. Aqigaq
  5. Noasagaq
  6. Tookuagaq
  7. Nuqpaluaq
  8. Kiqiaq
  9. Ailuqsaq
  10. Noruaqsaq
  11. Qaaqatchaq
  12. Nutarnegaq
  13. Saulaqaaq
  14. Aklajaq
  15. Aupaluchaq
  16. Maqpaluorq
  17. Paguchaq
  18. Akvuvigaq
  19. Aksaggaq
  20. Tsenaaq

Northern Beasts

  1. Ptarmigan / aqisseq
  2. Shark / eqalussuaq
  3. Bear / nanoq
  4. Seal / natsiq
  5. Dog / qimmiq
  6. Fish / iqualuit
  7. Caribou / tuktu
  8. Walrus / aiviq
  9. Fox / tiriganiaq
  10. Whale / arvik
  11. Eight legged polar bear / qupqugiak
  12. Lynx / pusiaraaluk
  13. Dall sheep / saugaak
  14. Moose / tuktuvak
  15. Two-headed sea monster / kavvavaaq
  16. Gull / naujaq
  17. Walking corpse / timiviniq
  18. Killer whale / aarluk
  19. Wolf / amaruq
  20. Weasel / tiriaq


  1. Akuliakat / point of land between two bays
  2. Ammituq / the narrows
  3. Ikerasak / the channel
  4. Innuksuk / the cairn
  5. Isortoq / the foul place
  6. Iterdlugssuak / shelter bay
  7. Kangeeak / promontory
  8. Kekertuk / western island
  9. Kingmitokvik / place where dogs are kept
  10. Kuuk / the river
  11. Narssurssuk / the large plain
  12. Niarkrok / the headland
  13. Nuvuk / the cape
  14. Qikirtaq / the small island
  15. Sadlek / the place opposite
  16. Tikerak / where many people arrive
  17. Qulliq / place of the stone lamp
  18. Tupiq / skin tent place
  19. Untqiagvik / place where snowy owls rest
  20. Kakivak / place of the spear