Compiled by Jason Morningstar
These personal names were randomly generated from Inuit-esque phonemes.
Male Names
- Pukivik
- Noagunegak
- Tooaarvik
- Teqkuagguk
- Toosivu
- Tankuageak
- Autiaq
- Aupalusuq
- Avinaaq
- Kuviguk
- Tornviyok
- Aitelik
- Tsetevu
- Aknikok
- Sausulik
- Norluteak
- Tulutvu
- Atuqulk
- Aukuagcheeak
- Toomingchuk
Female Names
- Alutta
- Aklavu
- Kupalunek
- Sausuak
- Uluglulik
- Nuqmavik
- Piaarguk
- Paalavik
- Puknabuk
- Aiqatchuk
- Ulunatoq
- Nuvivik
- Qaatuqtok
- Teqgluyuk
- Ullorhorulk
- Noauchtok
- Aludvik
- Millutkap
- Kituqanak
- Noasaqanak
Sorcerers, Spirits, and Outsiders
- Alaraq
- Akalaaq
- Aukuagmaq
- Aqigaq
- Noasagaq
- Tookuagaq
- Nuqpaluaq
- Kiqiaq
- Ailuqsaq
- Noruaqsaq
- Qaaqatchaq
- Nutarnegaq
- Saulaqaaq
- Aklajaq
- Aupaluchaq
- Maqpaluorq
- Paguchaq
- Akvuvigaq
- Aksaggaq
- Tsenaaq
Northern Beasts
- Ptarmigan / aqisseq
- Shark / eqalussuaq
- Bear / nanoq
- Seal / natsiq
- Dog / qimmiq
- Fish / iqualuit
- Caribou / tuktu
- Walrus / aiviq
- Fox / tiriganiaq
- Whale / arvik
- Eight legged polar bear / qupqugiak
- Lynx / pusiaraaluk
- Dall sheep / saugaak
- Moose / tuktuvak
- Two-headed sea monster / kavvavaaq
- Gull / naujaq
- Walking corpse / timiviniq
- Killer whale / aarluk
- Wolf / amaruq
- Weasel / tiriaq
- Akuliakat / point of land between two bays
- Ammituq / the narrows
- Ikerasak / the channel
- Innuksuk / the cairn
- Isortoq / the foul place
- Iterdlugssuak / shelter bay
- Kangeeak / promontory
- Kekertuk / western island
- Kingmitokvik / place where dogs are kept
- Kuuk / the river
- Narssurssuk / the large plain
- Niarkrok / the headland
- Nuvuk / the cape
- Qikirtaq / the small island
- Sadlek / the place opposite
- Tikerak / where many people arrive
- Qulliq / place of the stone lamp
- Tupiq / skin tent place
- Untqiagvik / place where snowy owls rest
- Kakivak / place of the spear