Bontoc Igorot

Compiled by Jason Morningstar

From The Bontoc Igorot, Albert Ernest Jenks, 1905

In several languages of northern Luzon the word “Ĭg-o-rot′” means “mountain people.” Dr. Pardo de Tavera says the word “Igorrote” is composed of the root word “golot,” meaning, in Tagalog, “mountain chain,” and the prefix “i,” meaning “dweller in” or “people of.”

The people are generally reticent about telling their names; and when they do tell, the name given is usually the one borne in childhood; an old man will generally answer “am-a′-ma,” meaning simply “old man.”

Male Formal

  1. Som-kad’
  2. Bûg-ti′
  3. Mak′-lan
  4. Ku-lo-ku′-lo
  5. O-gang′-ga
  6. Bon-gao′
  7. Bo-da′-da
  8. Sĭt-li′-nĭn
  9. Pĭt-ta′-pĭt
  10. Ta-u′-li
  11. Sal-lu-yud′
  12. Tam-bul′
  13. Mud-do′,
  14. Ba-la-ge′
  15. Bang-ĕg′
  16. Cag-i′-yu
  17. Bĭt-e′
  18. Ag-kus′
  19. Sa-pang′
  20. An-ti′-ko

Male Nicknames

  1. Ngag cha-pu′ (bad ashes)
  2. An-cho′ ye′-ga (long earthquake)
  3. A′-ma na-fa′-kûg (killed his father)
  4. Sang-a-an′ ka-ag′ (lazy monkey)
  5. Mang-a-qu′ (he steals)
  6. Ba-to (stone)
  7. Lĭm-lĭm (storm)
  8. La-fa′-an (hawk)
  9. Ka-chan-a-yan′ (rich man)
  10. Al-li-pos′-pos (whirlwind)
  11. Ĭn-ni′-tit fo′-to (black belly)
  12. Um-i-ak′ tay-I (always shitting)
  13. Na-ma′-kĭl (gets heads)
  14. Gna-nak (cannot speak)
  15. Li′-I (cross-eyed)
  16. Sap-lŭk (scarred)
  17. Kil-lang′ (little boy)
  18. Pa-chĕk′ (scarecrow)
  19. A-lala-sang′ (red warrior ant)
  20. Ma-mĭng′-san (first man)

Female Formal

  1. U-dao′
  2. Zag-tag′-an
  3. Ka-nay′-u
  4. Lang′-sa
  5. Fi′-lĭg
  6. Si-pa′-at
  7. Fank′-a
  8. Wang′-a
  9. Chay′-ya
  10. Fu-an′
  11. Lang-at′
  12. O-kĕn′
  13. Ka-wa′-an
  14. Fa-li-kao′
  15. Mang-i-lot′
  16. Cho-kas′
  17. Kom-lĭng′
  18. Ta-kay′-yĕng
  19. Tĕng-ab′
  20. Ka-wĕng′

Female Nicknames

  1. Fĭl-fĭl′-tĭng (cricket)
  2. I′-na (mother)
  3. Tup-kao′ (camote blossom)
  4. Tu-muck′-chu (she sits)
  5. Chĕ-num′ (wind)
  6. In-i′-na (crone)
  7. Fi-no-lo-fo′-lo (jungle butterfly)
  8. Fung-a′-kan (rainbow)
  9. Gna-an′ (little girl)
  10. Ma-si-yĭp′ (sleepy)
  11. Fa-no′-on (harridan)
  12. Fan-ĭg′ so′-so (small breasts)
  13. Fu-lug (blind)
  14. Ĭm-po′-kan to-puk′ (white mouth)
  15. Ga-la′-ga (pitted face)
  16. A-ki-na (aunt)
  17. Fo-bo-ok′ (false hair)
  18. Ki′-tĕb (bedbug)
  19. Ay-ya-wan′ (wild caribao)
  20. An-an-a-lut′ pang′-a (bad jaw)